Top Five Youngest Soccer Stars In 2008

Top Five Youngest Soccer Stars In 2008

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First, be disciplined. Barcelona always play possession football in their matches. They pass the ball from one player to another immediately, waiting for a gap in your team's defence. What you have to do is being disciplined. Apply combination of man-to-man marking and zonal marking. Do not let them have space to pass the ball in and around the penalty area. That way, you can minimize their dangers and your target will be secure.

Bilbao opened the game better than Barcelona and managed to score an early goal from corner. The blessed man was Toquero and things started to look rosy for Bilbao fans.

For advancing all the way to the 2009 finals and winning the title FC barcelona took home about EUR110 million. Manchester United - the losing team in the finals - took home about EUR65 million. Not only does Champions League participation gives a club lots of

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