All my plays are the call and the reflection involving nostalgia

All my plays are the call and the reflection involving nostalgia

“How curious it is definitely, exactly how curious it is definitely, ” as they roulade in The Bald Voz, no roots, no origin, no authenticity, simply no, zero, only unmeaning, and even certainly no higher power—though the Emperor turns up invisibly in The Chairs, as from a “marvelous dream :::., the paradisiaco gaze, the noble experience, the overhead, the radiance of His Majesty, ” the Classic Man's “last recourse” (149–50), as he / she says, prior to he entrusts his communication to the Orator plus throws himself out the window, leaving us to be able to discover that the Orator is deaf and idiotic. Thus the delusion regarding hierarchy and, spoken as well as unspoken, the futile pride or vacuity of presentation. But even more inquiring, “what some sort of coincidence! ” (17) is how this kind of unfilled datum of this Absurd started to be the ton of deconstruction, which shrubs its table bets, however, on a devastating nothingness by means of letting metaphysics in right after presumably rubbing it, that is, putting it “under erasure” (sous rature), as Derrida does in their grammatology, conceding what Nietzsche told us, that God is usually dead, but making use of the term anyhow, mainly because we can barely believe without it, or even additional transcendental signifiers, for example elegance or eternity—which are, in fact, the words spoken by means of the Old Man for you to the unseen Belle within The Chairs, mourning exactly what they didn't dare, some sort of lost love,

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